
AOPP: regulators getting cheesy?

A (heated) discussion on a specific piece of regulation and its application has quickly spread through Bitcoin Twitter in the last hours, following a tweet by shaquille o’atmeal (@crypt0e): It's more than just Trezor: — shaquille o'atmeal (@crypt0e) January 27, 2022 I found the topic interesting enough to wrap up my thoughts on the matter in a short article. I hope it will also help the reader quickly get grasp of what is at stake here....

January 28, 2022 Â· 4 min Â· Fanis Michalakis

Dancing Forbidden

Today, I sent the equivalent of several thousands of dollars (not mine) in Bitcoin. I did not ask for permission. Nobody could stop me from doing it. On Friday, I won’t be allowed to dance in bars and restaurants. ⚡🇫🇷FLASH - Il sera interdit de danser dans les bars et restaurants en France à partir de vendredi matin jusqu'au 6 janvier inclus. (décret) — Brèves de presse (@Brevesdepresse) December 8, 2021

December 8, 2021 Â· 1 min Â· Fanis Michalakis

A Growing Forest

A forest grows. Some shrubs, frail and ignored, bloom in the calm silence of a remote place. The forest grows. The trees have grown well. Their trunk, already strong, projects them towards the sky. Each tree has its natural domain. Its neighbors protect it from the wind, their roots help to strengthen the earth. If one of them weakens, the others feed it until it recovers. The forest is established now....

December 6, 2021 Â· 1 min Â· Fanis Michalakis